Monday, 1 March 2010

What's the deal: fashion illustration

Since early Uni, I've had a fascination with fashion illustration. I own several wonderful compilation books full of colourful and radically varying styles -- yet, I have no passion at all for actual fashion design.

Infact, I've had a hard time trying to define what exactly can be considered 'fashion illustration'. After several debates I've come to this conclusion. Take from it what you will, people more versed in the industry may have altering opinions.

Fashion illustration is not entirely subjective. you don't necessarily have to be a fashion nut to appreciate it. Like any illustration, it is the representation of the artist, and in most cases of fashion illustration the artist wants to show you something super pretty. Usually ladies.

I will never become tired observing the wonderful work of others, but the time has definitely come to put my own stuff out there. I will train and refine my technique and style, and maybe someday I'll be published in one of those books too.

Please feel free to share your own thoughts on the subject. I'll link back to some of my favourite artists in a later post. For now here's some books if you're interested:

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